
Finding Relief: How Cerene Cryotherapy Improves Quality of Life for Women With Heavy Periods

A woman reading about women's health while sitting at a table drinking coffee

From a clinical perspective, heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is characterized by any amount of blood loss or menstrual cramping that interferes with a woman’s quality of life.1 For this reason, menorrhagia treatment should seek to restore quality of life by bringing bleeding and cramping under control.

One major concern of HMB is its link to iron deficiency anemia. Left unchecked, HMB can deplete iron levels, leading to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. By reducing blood loss through methods like endometrial ablation, there’s potential to restore iron balance and combat these symptoms.2 Through treatments that address HMB, the emotional well-being of patients can significantly improve, as they no longer grapple with unpredictable bleeding and its daily disruptions.

When surgical intervention becomes necessary, endometrial ablation emerges as a preferred choice for many patients and gynecologists due to its lower complications and quicker recovery times compared to a hysterectomy.3 The Cerene® Cryotherapy Device is distinctive among global endometrial ablation (GEA) modalities. It utilizes hypothermic technology to destroy the endometrium and superficial myometrium. Within just 2.5 minutes, Cerene administers the endometrial cryoablation, simultaneously anesthetizing local nerves, which reduces the necessity for IV sedation or general anesthesia.

After the Cerene treatment, patients can expect to see HMB symptoms improve within 3 to 6 months. Once the cryotherapy treatment has its full effect, patients can experience a significant increase in their quality of life with fewer day-to-day interruptions from HMB.

How Cerene Enhances Quality of Life

“Quality of life” encompasses the physical, social, mental, and material aspects of an individual’s life.1 Cerene effectively addresses each of these areas by:

Statistics showing positive patient satisfaction after using Cerene cryotherapy

  • Reducing menstrual bleeding. Cerene’s primary goal is to reduce blood loss in patients with HMB. By targeting and gently destroying the endometrial lining, Cerene successfully decreases blood flow, helping patients go longer without changing their tampon or pad. 90% of patients treated with Cerene report normal, light, or no blood flow.
  • Relieving pain and cramping. Heavy periods are often accompanied by intense pain and cramping, which can limit a patient’s ability to perform simple, daily tasks. Cerene is clinically proven to reduce dysmenorrhea, with 86% of patients reporting significant relief from their cramps.
  • Increasing productivity and participation. HMB is well-known to limit social activities and workplace productivity. A recent study reported a 45.2% absenteeism rate due to HMB symptoms.4 Cerene helps women regain control of their lives and resume a more active lifestyle, with 90% of patients reporting little to no limitations in their activities after treatment.
A statistic showing that 95% of patients would recommend Cerene to their family and friends

Discover the Difference Cerene Can Make for Your Patients

There’s a reason why 95% of patients would recommend Cerene to their family and friends.††† By addressing holistic patient needs, Cerene can help women suffering from HMB achieve a higher quality of life where excessive bleeding and cramping aren’t a monthly reality. Considering quality of life is the primary metric of success, Cerene helps OBGYNs provide a safe and highly effective treatment for HMB that delivers long-term relief and, most importantly, results in high patient satisfaction.

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† Patient-reported data are 1 year after treatment with durable results at 3 years

‡ Improvement reported for patients reporting severe/very severe cramping

††† Patient-reported data include definitely and consider recommending Cerene and are 1 year after treatment with durable results at 3 years.

Key Takeaways: 

  • HMB is defined by excessive bleeding and cramping that impacts a patient’s quality of life; therefore, treatment should primarily seek to improve physical, social, and mental well-being.
  • The Cerene Cryotherapy Device uses cooling technology to safely destroy the endometrium while delivering a natural numbing effect, reducing the need for IV sedation or general anesthesia for pain management.
  • Cerene is clinically proven to reduce menstrual bleeding and relieve painful cramping, which can improve quality of life and results in high patient satisfaction.


  1. Heavy menstrual bleeding: assessment and management. (2021, May 24). National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. 
  2. Iron deficiency anaemia. (n.d.). NHS inform. Accessed June 22, 2023, from 
  3. Fergusson, R.J., Bofill Rodriguez, M., Lethaby, A., Farquhar, C. (2019). Endometrial resection and ablation versus hysterectomy for heavy menstrual bleeding. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 8(8), CD000329.
  4. Ponzo, S., Wickham, A., Bamford, R., Radovic, T., Zhaunova, L., Peven, K., Klepchukova, A., & Payne, J.L. (2022). Menstrual cycle-associated symptoms and workplace productivity in US employees: A cross-sectional survey of users of the Flo mobile phone app. Digital Health 8, 20552076221145852.
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Important Safety Information

Cerene® Cryotherapy Device is indicated to ablate the endometrial lining of the uterus in premenopausal women with heavy menstrual bleeding due to benign causes for whom childbearing is complete. Pregnancy following the Cerene procedure can be dangerous; therefore, contraception must be used until menopause. The Cerene procedure is not for those who have or suspect uterine cancer; have an active genital, urinary or pelvic infection; or an IUD. As with all surgical procedures, there are risks and considerations associated with the use of the Cerene Cryotherapy Device. Temporary side effects may include cramping, nausea, vomiting, vaginal discharge and spotting. For detailed benefit and risk information, consult the Cerene Instructions for use (IFU) or your healthcare professional. Learn More